How to add graph, icon and logo into AutoCAD

If some icons or company logo need to be added to AutoCAD, we can just simply copy and paste in the layout.
But, this method is not capable to convert the target to AutoCAD embedded object (entities).

In order to add icons or logo to AutoCAD as an object, different pasting method needs to be used.

Below is the example of two different pasting methods.

(The icon is copied from Microsoft Powerpoint and pasted to AutoCAD.)

The left image is just pasted using general function or ctrl+v.
The right image is pasted using 'paste special' feature.

The AutoCAD embedded entities (right image) can be modified as you want. (top image)
Also, the entities shows clear image in the printed layout, whenever zoomed in or out. (bottom image)

A procedure of 'paste special' is simple.
After copy the icon or any logo object from outer sources (ex. Powerpoint or MS paint), go to 'clipboard' menu and extend paste options by clicking small arrow.
And choose 'AutoCAD Entities'.


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